Life Insurance Corporation of India invites Online Applications from eligible Indian Citizens for appointment to the post of Assistant Administrative Officer. Candidates are requested to apply On line only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted. The schedule of events shall be as under..
Post Name : Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
No.of Posts : 750
Qualification : Bachelor/Mater's Degree from a recongnized Indian University/Institution with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate in either of the Degrees. If any university awards grades instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks.
Post Name : Assistant Administrative Officer (AAO)
No.of Posts : 750
Qualification : Bachelor/Mater's Degree from a recongnized Indian University/Institution with a minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate in either of the Degrees. If any university awards grades instead of marks, applicants should clearly mention the numerical equivalent of the grades in terms of aggregate marks.